
Monday, 7 November 2011

Berlusconi influences the Italian Stock Exchange

"With great powers comes great responsibility"
This is one of the most famous quotes in Comics and Movies history. But today we can match this sentence to Italy's destiny and the trouble that the Premier Silvio Berlusconi is giving to his country.

This morning the Italian stock exchange, following rumors about Berlusconi resignations, had a big come back. But after he  has dismissed swirling rumors that he was on the point of resigning, the Italian stock exchange went down again. Have a look at this graphic to discover how a single man is influencing the destiny of Italy and Europe.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Son of Geek #1

Son of a Geek is a Cerveza Productions column created to provide you geek laughs.

Leonardo di Caprio is the protagonist of our first Son of Geek. Look at him in a clever parody of his successful movie Inception.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Where a famous logo comes from?

Look at this image.

For the imaginative enterpreneur Jay Mug this is the origin of some of the most famous logo in the world like Mercedes, Google Chrome, Twitter...

Nice one!

Monday, 31 October 2011

The hottest Halloween costumes [infographic]

The best outfits for Halloween?
Which brand for candies?

Discover these informations in this curious infographic!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Google plans to invest in YouTube television shows

According to some rumors, Google is going to invest in brand new shows to add new TV-channels on his video platform YouTube.

Let's see the numbers:

  • 100 new channels
  • 100.000.000$ of investment
  • 3 years of exclusive for internet.

 Big names of entertainment and sport as Madonna, Jay-Z, Tony Hawk or Aston Kutcher are associated to this Mountain View project. We will see!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Samsung overtakes Apple!

According to this article, Samsung has overtaken Apple in Smartphone sales. 
"Looking ahead into the fourth quarter, when industry demand is traditionally at its peak, Samsung expects sales of mobile devices to remain strong and flat panel TV shipments to increase" [Samsung statement]

27.8% vs 17.1: WOW!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Marco Simoncelli: another example of marketing of the dead people?

The advertsing dedicated to Marco Simoncelli
[EN] Have a look at this picture: it seems like a normal photo of a normal football match. But for people who have followed sport news in the last couple of days, this image should remind them an unlucky Italian Moto GP pilot, Marco Simoncelli, sadly passed out at the the age of 24 during a race. Marco was sponsored by San Carlo, an Italian famous chips brand: as you can see in this image, there is a signs that says: "Ciao Marco, uno di noi", litterally "Bye Marco, one of us".

Now, this is not the first example of what I call Marketing of the Dead People: companies often use names of passed out people to rise up money. In Italy, not a long time ago, a famous presentator died and the mobile company Libero Infostrada did a similar operation: they made a collage-spot of images of Mike Bongiorno, putting the name of the company at the end of the advert.

Is this right? Could the companies use the name of passed out people, giving a farewell but at the same time advertising their brand? When the marketing should stop, showing respect to a tragedy as the death?
Definitely is not easy to reply. But I am sure, this is not the last example of Marketing of the Dead People we'll see in this marketing-based world.

R.I.P. Marco Simoncelli

[IT] Date un'occhiata a questa immagine: sembra una comune foto scattata durante una normale partita. Ma per coloro che hanno seguito le news sportive negli ultimi giorni, questa immagine dovrebbe ricordare lo sfortunato pilota Marco Simoncelli, morto tristemente a soli 24 anni. Marco era sponsorizzato dalla San Carlo, una famosa marca di patatine: come potete notare nell'immagine, c'è un cartellone con la scritta: "Ciao Marco, uno di noi".

Ora, questo non è il primo esempio di ciò che chiamo Marketing of Dead People: le compagnie spesso usano nomi di personggio morti per fare soldi. In Italia, non molto tempo fa, Mike Bongiorno morì e Libero Infostrada fece un'operazione molto simile: fu prodotto uno spot-collage di immagini del presentatore americano, ponendo il nome del brand alla fine della pubblicità.

Tutto questo è da ritenersi giusto? Possono le compagnie sfruttare in questa maniera il nome di persone morte, dando loro un addio ma allo stesso tempo pubblicizando la marca? Quando sarebbe opportuno che il marketing si fermasse, mostrando rispett oper una tragedia come la morte? Sicuramente non è facile trovare risposte a domande come questa. Ma sono sicuro, questo non sarà l'ultimo esempio di Marketing of Dead People che vedremo in questo mondo basato sul marketing.

R.I.P. Marco Simoncelli

The new Twitter timeline

As often happens, the new features on Social Network are not available for all the users at the same time.
Also the Twitter engineers are improving the features on the microblogging platform, particulary on the Timeline.

If you're curious to discover the future improvements, just have a look to the video down here.

Don't forget to follow Cerveza Productions on!/AlexCerveza !

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The most famous tech battles of all time [infographic]

The most tough tech battles of all time in this infographic! An example? Nintendo vs Sega in the '90!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Use Social Media to Get a Job

Have a look at this interesting infographic to understand how today people get their (new) social jobs.

This infographic created by, explains how the people become the best in their social positions.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Steve Jobs and St. Peter

This draw deserved to be uploaded. Genial!

RIP Steve Jobs.

Google+ not used by Manager of the Company???

Google+ was launched as a huge rival for Facebook.
But looking at this stats, seems that also the managment of the Big G is not using the new social network.

I ask myself: how a communication company as Google can make these kind of mistakes???

1955 - 2011

Farewell to a visionary.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Fast applying syndrome: the worst problem when you're looking for a Job.

It's a normal day for people who are currently looking for a job online: Job seeking websites opened in several tabs on their browsers, CVs and cover letters ready to be sent.
And then, for the bigger part of the intrepid jobhunters, an huge threat is behind the corner: the F. A. S. well known as Fast applying Syndrome.

Think about it: how many times you've just seen an excellent free position as employee in that Digital Marketing company or the other Social Media integrated agency. And after less then a second your mouse is already on the "apply" button.
First mistake, dear. The description of a job ad it's the most important part: all the necessary skills and the Company mission is in that page! Give yourself five minutes to read it very accurately. Just after that, it's time to open CV and cover letter and edit it, when necessary.


Good advices could come out also from:

- Official website of the company: where all the informations, the company's mission, the portfolio, etc is visible.
- Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, but also the official blog of the job recruiter, are the voice of last company's updates.
- Read webpaper, blog articles and social media post by users about the company: you could find very usefull informations!

In conclusion, be aware from F.A.S. and your will see the results: your new job could be just around the corner!

Follow me on Twitter for other Job advices: @AlexCerveza

Monday, 12 September 2011

The Internet evolution

"The Internet is evolving again. Everyday billion of people connect to the internet through billions of device [...]".
Have a look at this Intel analysys of the Internet today, where we are going and how the People connect to the Web!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Advertising on Naked Rugby Men and Women!

Big brands all over the world have took advantage by cute women and men to advertise their products, often show them completely naked.
An example of total nudity is;what is happening in these days to the Nude Rugby International tournament on the Welsh Leeks in Dunedin: after every try, the team who has scored, take off an indument showing not only nudities but also sponsor!


You can also look at this video to listen to the impressions of the players.  

The Internet: 1996 vs 2011 [infographic]

Just fifteen years but Internet is changed so much: graphic is nicer, webpages load faster. But that's not all! Have a look at this infographic to discover all the main changes. And try to keep yourself from laughing :)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Google celebrates Freddie Mercury

Today Google has payed tribute to one of the biggest all time star. For the celebration of what would have been Freddie Mercury’s 65th birthday, Google has released a very special homepage.

Instead of the normal logo, all the internet surfer have found a special video that shows, in a cartoon style, the entire musical career of the Queen frontman. Personally, I think this is the best Google Doodle ever so far.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Get money just writing

Are you looking for extra-money? Are you talented in writing, review or translations?
Well, perhaps it's right up your alley!

I've been active on for a while now. It's a site where you can earn some money on the side by writing, translating and doing research. Check it out!

Monday, 25 July 2011

35 years of Apple design

The successful history of Apple inside this infographic created by Mashable.

This infographic traces the Cupertino's company desing history from the first Apple I to the recent ultra-technologic iPad 2.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Why do the people share?

The New York Times has published an interesting study about the sharing online and why do the people share.

This study uncovers:

Primary motivations for sharing
Six sharing personas
Essential steps for marketers aiming to get their content shared
Impact of sharing on Information Management
Cycle of sharing
Enduring role of e-mail in the age of social media

Link: *PDF study

Monday, 18 July 2011

Don't like the new Facebook Chat? Discover how fix the problem!

[EN Version] Are you in the thousands people that dislike the new Facebook chat? Well, you are not alone! Taking a look to the Facebook comments of the last days, many people are protesting against this new update. But, don't worry: Cerveza Productions knows how to fix this problem: just install (or reinstall) Windows Live Messenger 2011 and the chat will reappear again in its entirety

[IT Version] Sei tra i tanti a cui non piace la nuova strada intrapresa da Facebook per quanto riguarda la chat? Beh, non sei il solo! Dando un rapido sguardo agli status ed ai commenti relativi questo nuovo update, c'è davvero molta insoddisfazione. Primo problema fra tutti è quello relativo alla perdita delle liste di amici, seguito dalla lentezza con la quale ora è possibile trovare un utente.

Ma Cerveza Productions ha già individuato la soluzione: bisogna semplicemente installare (o reinstallare) Windows Live Messenger 2011, programma Microsoft che consente non solo di chattare coi contatti interni all'applicazione, ma anche con i vostri amici di Facebook. Utilizzando Live Messenger, insomma, ritornerà la lista di Amici del vostro Social Network preferito nella sua interezza!

Facebook VS Google Plus: the difference

What is the difference between Google Plus and Facebook?
Have a look to this infographic to understand a little bit more!

More: Facebook
Google Plus

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Stats Social Gaming

Are you curious about Social Gaming? Have you ever ask yourself anything about success of videogames like Farmville? Look at this interesting infograph!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

100.000$ for two years of work!

As you can see here, there is a man - a RICH man - willing to pay 100.000 (one hundred thousand) dollars to 24 students.

What they have to do? Leave college where they are studying at the moment (like Harvard) to work for his foundation. In this way, Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal, thinks to advance the frontiers of knowledge, shake up staid industries, and change the world.

Will be a success?

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The new era of Money? Bitmoney!

This logo means money. Not a normal money: we are talking about "virtual" money; we are talking about Bitcoin. Money that the Central Banks all around the world can't touch. The governments can't manipulate the quantity of coins in circulation or induce inflaction by producing more of them.

Are you curious enough? Discover what could be the new age of money.

Official site Bitcoin
Wikipedia page

Monday, 30 May 2011

Update in our portfolio!

Here we are: first update on our portfolio.
We start with some photos! Have a look at this link link

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Champion's League 2011 Final

Tonight, in London, the FINAL of CHAMPION's LEAGUE. Cerveza Productions will be there for a coverage of the entire event!

Barcelona vs Manchester Utd, an entire city envolved in this great event. Who will win?

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Follow us!

You can't stay more than an hour without update your status or tweet your thoughts? So, don't miss our social counterpart on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Guerrilla Against Nuclear

This is what I call Guerrilla Marketing. Non-Profit organization Greenpeace Italia created this big yellow tank to represent the upcoming nuclear danger if Italy choose to reintroduct again Nuclear Powe Plat on its territory.
That big tank its a guerrilla way to wake people up!

If you want to look at their site click here

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Cerveza Productions

Who Am I?
I'm the ultimate creation of Communication.