We are in the Social age, no doubt about it: people and insider both agree that the most important thing to build a perfect profile, is focusing over these media updating and improving it everyday.
But both, people and insider, are forgetting the power of another media: the email.
"What?! Are you seriously still talking about this old-fashion tool?" I bet this was the reaction of all of you reading this article.
I know, email are not the first media that rings a bell in your mind, but maybe you are forgetting something:
still, emails are the first way to contact an employer. And still, emails are the first way to make a good impression on your possible future boss.
So, next time you are going to send a CV for the job of your life, think about it: how can I raise my chances to be hired? Apart from writing in a nice formal way, you must seriously rethink your signature.
In addition to your name and surname, you have to insert all your contacts (better if with some nice icons and links).
What do you think in something like this?
A possible solution |
Don't lose a good chance to impress your future boss from the very first moment!